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Motivation is needed because :

If you want to achieve greatness, you need to stop asking for permission. This is why motivation is important in life because it stops asking questions and aligns you to work towards your goals.

Goals are the stepping stones toward your dreams so in order to achieve them, you need motivation to keep you chugging along towards them.

Not everyone is born with motivation. There is a severe lack in some who believe ‘I’ll get to that one day’ or ‘the timing isn’t right’ or a classic case of ‘I can’t do that’. Motivation is the defining factor that turns a good thought into immediate action. It turns a good idea into a business and can positively impact the world around you.

Without motivation, you can’t achieve anything. There are no goal posts to aim for and no purpose to strive towards.

Motivation is an important life skill. The reason it’s important is because every person on this earth is unique and has a purpose. To steward your purpose well, you have to be motivated to work towards your goals which helps your dreams become a reality. Not1 just for your sake, but the sake of others as well.

If Steve Jobs wasn’t motivated to start Apple, you wouldn’t have a Macbook air, iPhone or iPad.

You wouldn’t be holding that designer handbag or be wearing those clothes if a designer wasn’t motivated to turn their visualization into a realization.

You live in a world where motivation has solved problems and produced products and services you never knew you needed.

Motivation can also help you personally to be the best you you can be. This can have a positive effect on your confidence, relationships and the community you live in.

If you’re still not convinced about building up your motivation, here are eight reasons why motivation is important in life.


When you’re motivated, you have a desire to change your life. Motivation pushes you towards your goal because of a desire for change. Motivation helps you clarify your goal so you know exactly what you’re working towards.


Once you know what you goal is, motivation helps you prioritise your life. If your goal is to write a book, you need to set time aside each week to write it. Motivation helps you to focus and make a commitment to seeing your goal accomplished.


Every road to success will have a setback. There is no such thing as a dream route to reach your dreams. Setbacks will have you doubt whether your goal is worth the effort, but motivation steps in and gives you the strength and courage to try again.


This ties in with the previous point, but motivation helps you strive through setbacks, trials and fears. Thomas Edison is known for the invention of the light bulb and is noted for this quote, ‘I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.’ The famous inventor also inspired this thought, ‘Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.’ Motivation will teach you to persevere when reality tells you to give up.


Fear of failure is so common it can literally stop you from taking action. Motivation kicks fear in the butt because it tells it, no matter what I’m feeling, I’m going to do it anyway. Motivated people see beyond their fear and can visualize the outcome. Motivation will always help you see the bigger picture.


When you’re motivated to achieve your goal, confidence is a by-product of the little steps taken to see that goal achieved. When you’ve pushed through setbacks and fear, there is a sense of accomplishment and this builds an inner confidence to try something new. Motivated people will have a few projects on the go because they have pushed through barriers and seen positive results, which gives them motivation to start new projects and try new things.


If you’ve ever met a motivated person, their1 vibe can be alluring and inspiring. You want to align with their energy so you can draw from their expertise. In turn, this helps build your motivation to succeed.

The same can be said of a business manager. If you require a team to help you achieve your dream, a good leader will know how to use their motivation to pioneer a spirit of drive and desire within the team to see results. Employees will want to work with you and for you if they are valued and can take hold of the vision by their leader.


Motivation is an attractive trait and it can inspire others to make things happen in their own life. If you’ve ever met or hung out with a self-motivated person, you instantly feel like you can achieve anything because their positivity and can-do attitude elevates your own spirit. Seeking out a motivated person can help elevate your own motivation levels.

Motivation is a muscle that needs to be constantly worked and this can be achieved by reading biographies, enrolling in training and listening to motivational speakers who can share their own successes, while building you up.

Online Learning is needed because :

Some say that wisdom comes with age while others insist that it comes from learning. Nowadays, thanks to the internet, learning is open to all. Hence, people in the countries where traditional learning is facing various obstacles can take advantage of online courses. So far, e-learning has been effective to the people that understood its value. It offers the chance to have great results for lower costs and sometimes for no costs at all. Despite these, online learning has many other advantages. Education may have several purposes, and online courses help to fulfill it. Some even say that e-learning can revolutionize education as it provides new opportunities for traditional learning. Taking online classes has a lot of advantages and below are some of the most important.

Everyone can access education no matter the location

When people choose to pursue a study program in numerous cases they need to move to another city, away from their home, family, and friends. Meanwhile, there are countries where gender issues prevent young women from accessing education. In such cases, online learning helps to eliminate borders and barriers, both social and physical. Online courses are a great solution to the challenges that these people face as they are provided with high-quality education and on their own place and time.

You can learn about anything and whatever you like

There was this article ‘Use these two words on your college essay to get into Harvard’. If this would work Harvard or Stanford wouldn’t be what they are. On the other hand, it may happen to anyone to not get accepted into his or her favorite university. Therefore, they give up the dream to pursue a given field of studies and research. Meanwhile, online courses allow you to study whatever you want or anything that triggers your curiosity. Prestigious universities provide free courses because education must be free to everyone.

Comfort and flexibility

It happens to young students to find themselves into a highly competitive learning environment. Some people like this as it motivates them to work hard but there are others that feel overwhelmed. No matter the fact that failure is essential to success, there are persons that can’t bear failure among others. Meanwhile, it is easier to accept it at home. This makes people feel comfortable. Speaking of comfort, online courses help to avoid long classes and uncomfortable classrooms. The bed or the couch are more comfortable.
Further on, you can save time and cut the cost of commuting from home to the campus. Another thing that a lot of people agree is the fact that there will be no need to wake up early in the morning. Yet, keep in mind that in order to be successful it is important to leave your comfort zone.

Sharing knowledge with others

It is common that when we learn something new we feel the need to share it with others. This is another purpose of education, sharing knowledge. In the case when the course you are taking is part of a bigger community or network of people like the campus of the Youth Citizen Entrepreneurs Competition, you can encourage others by sharing what you have learned from the free online courses.
You can join hundreds of thousands of young people from all over the world that have benefited from our online training and learn the secrets for successful entrepreneurship. All these can help to generate an idea or project and develop it in a way that can bring a change to your community and beyond.

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