3rd Year Notes : Bachelor's in Civil Engineering

3rd years Notes.

Click on the topic you want to study.(Red Highlighted subjects are only available now)

Third Year – First Part

  1. Theory of structures ii[CE601]
  2. Water Supply Engineering[CE605]
  3. Engineering hydrology[CE606]
  4. Concrete Technology and masonry structure[CE603]
  5. Numerical Methods[ SH603]
  6. Foundation Engineering[CE602]

Third Year –  Second Part

  1. Design of Steel and Timber Structure [CE651]
  2. Communication English [SH651]
  3. Engineering Economics [CE655]
  4. Building Technology [CE652]
  5. Sanitary Engineering [CE656]
  6. Transportation Engineering [CE653]
  7. Irrigation and Drainage [CE654]
  8. Survey Camp

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