Humble Appeal to the news media !!!

Humble Appeal to the news media

Promote Good Mentality

All day long only showing--- hospitals full of patients, disadvantaged families, helpless families roaming around, suffering from hunger, dying people, burning pyres--doesn't do any good to us or give no new information at all!!!!
What do you want to prove by spreading panic? Creating so much fear that even a healthy person is getting sick.
We all know that there is a pandemic going on, we also know that it is enough to say that there is no control over the situation - and nobody knows what's the right decision !!
Don't break it- if you can't boost our morale!!!
Help to solve the problems.
■ * Show interviews of recovered patients. *
■ * Search and let us know where to find oxygen cylinder area-wise. *
■ * Create a database of plasma donors. *
■ * Tell me how many beds in which hospital are empty, update us in generic web link. *
■ * Provide Ambulance Service Details with oxygen area wise. *
■ * Encourage everyone to serve. *
■ * Provide information about where and what benefits are available. *
■ * Force people's representatives to do social service instead of showing war games in the studio. *
■ * Give information on where and to find doctors without scary interviews of doctors. *
Please do your own duties as well. Let all of us come together and help each other in what ever way we can. WE ALL ARE FIGHTERS AND TOGETHER WE WILL FIGHT THIS BATTLE.
10 of my friends please copy , paste this if you can.
#Even if you can't copy and paste this no issues. If you know someone from these media houses please help to thaw their frozen brain which has lost its reasoning and analyzing ability. May be it can be put to some proper use.

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