Journey of pain

"This will be much more fun." ; Manish Pathak

A journey of life, Journey to learn.

When you are born you are nothing, you do nothing you are just a mere mortal being. This is a journey to become something. Just the  say maturity doesn't come with age it is learned by situation. As you grow up you encounter many circumstances  and in certain times you have dreams and goals. You should always have goals because dreams without goals are just dreams seen while sleeping . But the reality is you are alone and you know no one is there to help you are just lost in the deep sea. This world is more deeper when you are alone, you have no longer an identity left, now you are just the same as when you were born. You are nothing, you do nothing.

Life is uncertain. You are suffering and you think no one is seeing you, you are fighting ! But the world is mysterious. There is nothing in this world that just happens with coincidence everything happens for a reason. All things are planned by the god. Now the question arises if all are planned by the god why we are suffering? Why does he hate us so much?

But let me tell you something you don’t get anything in life for free. And suffering is just a test for you to prove you are worthy enough to receive those big things planned by god. Even lord Ram spent 14 years in the jungle but if he had refused to do so he would be just king Ram but he chose suffering. He spent 14 years in the jungle and when he was back he was lord Ram. so don’t let suffering destroy you. Fight because great things come with a prize. And the greater the pain, the greater the prize. 

Thank you,

Manish Pathak.

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