A Story of Human and Pendulum

 -Ayush Karn.

Once there was a boy named Alex who used to live in a well modern society along with his mom dad and one of his baby sister named jerry. Alex father was a neuro doctor and his mother was a heart surgeon. Alex was just fifteen years old and his younger sister had just turned twelve. Everyone around them was happy and Alex's life was going good. Alex was a quite different boy since his birth. He was too curious about everything happening around him but at the same time he was an introvert too. Therefore he used to write everything in his diary.  

One day when Alex and his siter were playing inside of there house they found a kit box in their back yard. When he opened the box he found an very old pendulum bar. He looked at that old pendulum bar so curiously and no sonner he thought to explore what it actually was and what was it significance. He tied up the pendulum and suddenly he found a tiny lock at the beanth of it. He tried a lot to open the lock but he didn't got sucess. At end he thought to break it and at the instant he broke the lock he saw a mirror inside it. He saw his own image osciallating  to and from. He was amazed with the way pendulum was swining. After that day he used to spend his hours just looking at pendulum and figuring out how cool it was to see his own image escaping away from his shadow. 

He wrote in his dairy" I have compared three things of my life with the system of pendulum . First one is mirror which never tells a lie, Second one is that string which holds the pendulum. And the last one is we as our physical apperance.

Mirrior only shows the truth not the shadows. String holds pendulum no matter how fast it swings and the only thing that changes is the image that forms in mirror. life is all about truth ,we should  only hold the factors that really exists . It is no one matter of concern how much we try to hide it when mirrior gets infront of the turth it surely reflects it ."   

-Ayush Karn , Kalimati Kathmandu

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