Situational Awareness


I shared a few thoughts surrounding conversations that need to be had about diversity.  My understanding of the issue and the problems occurring in our world is still vague and surface-level in comparison to a community that has suffered the repercussions of injustice for far too long. 

A trending thought on many of the media platforms reads, "I understand that I will never understand. However, I stand." 

If you have allowed apathy to keep you anchored in the thoughts that keep you silent, then you have actively made the decision to remain ignorant.  Ignorance is a choice.

It is my prayer that for the rest of our lives, we never allow conversations that matter to be postponed in any circumstance.  As technology grows rapidly and people become immersed in the noise of their digital news feeds, simultaneously the art of authentic conversation face to face with another person has become less significant.

The lack of physical appearance in our day to day interactions has suppressed the ability to genuinely empathize with one another.  People are so caught up in the noise and the sensationalism of the media and every time an opportunity to display compassion to another person, there is an extreme lack of awareness and the exchange of both verbal and nonverbal communication is surface level and insensitive.

I am not saying that this is the case in every single one of the conversations or interactions you have with someone, but society as a collective group of people is suffering from an absence of awareness and an inability to sincerely understand what another person could be dealing with.  

It is time to wake up and take inventory of the relationships and the people that have silently suffered because of a lack of presence and genuine communication. Enough is enough, it’s time to take responsibility for where you place your focus.  We have discussed the power of focus, and how we will continuously feel whatever it is we chose to focus on. 

I know too many people who do not consciously take note of what it is they are listening to, and the problem then pours into the brief interactions with other people.  Common courtesy is rare to come by, and I challenge you to step up and pay attention to the mannerisms or lack of them the next time you decide to step out in public.

‘Please and Thank You’ are phrases my parents raised me on, and I often evaluate the exchange of words between people when out at a restaurant or another public area and I am deeply disgusted by the lack of simple manners that some people have.  

The point of this post is not to devalue or undermine anybody's self-worth, but I believe if we can be really honest for a moment and not try to shade the moments we have forgotten to simply be kind, grateful or generous toward another person whether they are strangers in passing or personal relationships; you can admittedly come to the realization that to make this world a better place, it starts with you. 

It is time to stop justifying and making excuses for bad behavior and selfish ambition.  It is time to stop relying on our president and our leaders to make a change and do better, because to be completely transparent with every person reading this post, maybe you are the problem.  

I have found myself on multiple occasions neglecting to do something or say something because I am just "caught up" in the business of my day to day endeavors, but in this season I have learned how dangerous excuses can be and I think it is a lesson we all need to be aware of. 

I have friends who work in the service industry, and lately, I have been taking the time to reach out to many different people to check-in and see how they are doing.  One of the more common responses I have been getting and certain expressions that many of you may relate to is the feeling of total exhaustion and in many ways defeat.  

For a moment I want to address the feeling that is currently felt amidst our society, simply known as apathy.  I could very easily give you words of encouragement, motivation, and even sentiment; but I really don’t think it would be beneficial to those who really just need guidance on what they could be doing in a time where the atmosphere of suffering is far heavier due to the awareness around the events taking place.

What this particular season has brought to my attention is that many people are not actively seeking to shut off the noise that is being thrown at you from every single direction.  I believe that there is power in social media platforms, but I also believe that this is being controlled by people with malicious intent on making you feel that all hope has been lost and the world is coming to an end.

The forcefulness of politicians with an agenda to attain power, and a media that insists on pushing a false narrative in order to keep people in fear is increasingly obvious and disgustingly evil.  The reason I want to call it out like this is that many of you are taking out your frustrations from the media and pouring that into your personal relationships, and other people who have nothing to do with any of the issues mankind is plagued with. 

The receptionist at your doctor’s office, the waiter or waitress at your local dining spots, your parents, your teachers, and many of the strangers you encounter when you are running errands are wrongly victimized by the arrogance and hatred you’ve been burdened with not because you are a bad person, but because you have a bad habit of getting sucked into the wrong timelines that really don’t need your opinions, your likes, or your comments.

Your anger toward all that is happening in our world is completely normal, but where you have directed your emotional responses is unfortunately not aiding in a solution.  This post is not for every single person, but there are many reading this and I simply need you to realize that it is time to be mindful about the information you are absorbing.  

It is time to be mindful of the background noise in your living room, on your radio when you are driving from destination to destination, in your friend groups that exude toxic gossiping and conversation with no substance.

There are a number of different challenges going on via social media, and I would insist that we as a people group begin to start a new challenge that encourages people to delete all forms of social media apps for a period of time and seek opportunities to be more compassionate. 

This is not a post to tell you to be discouraged or to go into denial about all the world events that are happening, because discouragement and denial are equally destructive dispositions to adapt to.  

This is a suggestion and for some, an intervention to bring to your awareness that where you have placed your attention is more damaging than the events that are actually occurring.  Ignorance is a choice, and ignorance is believing the false perception that you are "staying informed" about the current events.

The opinions you project from an emotional and passionate state do not reinforce the changes that need to occur, your actions do.  Your hatred, anger, and impulsive reactions don’t end wars, they start them.  If you want change and peace and all of the things people are risking their lives to fight for, then start by being kind to the people in front of you.

It is time to be introspective.  What do I mean by this?

It is time to be aware of your emotions and your behaviors towards others that never did anything to make you feel the way you are feeling.  Take responsibility for the negative thoughts and feelings you have, and work toward creating an empowering meaning of what those emotions could do to serve you, and others around you.

Next time you are late and someone in front of you is driving under the speed limit you have decided to be legal in your mind, take responsibility, and instead of vocalizing thoughts of harm toward another, try instead "I should have left a little earlier." 

Since we used road rage as an example, I will tie it into the analogy that If you continue to place the blame on other people, you will never be the driver to your destination; you will instead remain a passenger in your own life.

We have to change the narrative by which people live their lives, and it starts by making small changes through conscious observation.  It has never been appropriate for a person to disagree with another in conversation, and instead of appreciating the difference in beliefs; it is instinctual to belittle and criticize instead. 

When did we become a race that dehumanizes and devalues another life because of their difference in thought patterns and perspectives?  

When did it become okay to disagree with another human being and take it a step further by resorting to hatred and closed-mindedness simply because discrepancies were more obvious than understanding? 

We have lost the art of authentic communication, and that is a problem. 

There are various different exchanges taking place in communication, and in a time where people are grieving and crying out to enforce the changes that need to occur, it is of utmost importance that we learn and actively engage in listening. 

One of the greatest signs of emotional intelligence is a person's ability to listen.  This is the very form of communication that helps shape the changes we make in a constructive way, that heals places that have been damaged by silence and an inability to comprehend the underlying issues that are often lost in the translation of thoughts to emotions. 

Listening is an active process, and it is a skill that can and should be learned no matter what the circumstance may be calling for.  I know so many people that wish to be influential, but you are not willing to start by making changes in the way you speak or interact with the people in your current world.

Our world is suffering, but are you going to continue to listen to your Instagram timelines and the media, or are you going to listen to the people you come in contact within your everyday life?

When we underestimate the power of compassion, even in small conversations; we forfeit opportunities to create generational changes through interactions we deem as insignificant.  It is often what we classify as small that creates the largest impact. 

Let us not be a society that "stays informed", but let us be a people group that stays enlightened.

God Bless, 

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